Cherrydale Fundraiser 2022
Perfect for the holidays, Cherrydale offers a wide array of holiday necessities. From wrapping paper and bows to serveware and decor, they have it all!
Help over tuition costs and charges to your student’s SCA account by participating in this fundraiser! ANY student of SCA is eligible and encouraged to participate.
Our Cherrydale Fundraiser will run from November 1st to 17th.
Order forms must be returned to SCA/entered online no later than November 17th at 8:00pm. If you collected order forms in person, please make sure payment is returned with your order form by this date.
All checks should be made payable to Stoughton Arts Guild.
There are two ways to participate in this fundraiser.
- Collect orders using the fundraising packet available outside Miss Natalie’s door. With this option, you can start collecting orders before November 1st, but you will be responsible for delivery. You may choose to have the orders shipped to SCA or your home.
- Register at www.ShopFund.com and share your link with friends and family. The online store will open November 1st. Supporters can choose to have their orders shipped directly to them (for an additional charge) or shipped to the seller for them to distribute.
You will receive approximately 35-40% of what you sell. If you have any questions regarding this fundraiser, please contact Miss Natalie.