Curious About Dance Competitions?
Stoughton Center for the Arts offers two options for students looking to participate with a team and individually in dance competitions.
Stoughton Center for the Arts Company Program offers the most opportunities to compete. Students audition for Company in May. Company Dancers are required to participate in our PreProfessional Level Classes. Company Dancers submit the number of group dances they want to participate in for the season. Submittal does not guarantee the dancer will have that exact number of group dances, but they will not be in more than the number submitted. At least one group dance is required to compete a solo and/or duet/trio. All solos, duets, and trios require the Academy Director’s approval.
An annual commitment is required to participate in SCA’s Company. The Company Season runs from June-May. Competitions are selected by the Academy Director and may change from season to season. Most recently, our Company Dancers have competed in November at Hollywood Vibe, in February at Imagine Dance Challenge, and in March at AMP.
An annual commitment is required to participate in SCA’s Company. The Company Season runs from June-May. Competitions are selected by the Academy Director and may change from season to season. Most recently, our Company Dancers have competed in November at Hollywood Vibe, in February at Imagine Dance Challenge, and in March at AMP.
For students ages 5-9 who want to explore competition but aren’t ready to jump into PPL and Company, Stoughton Center for the Arts offers the Relevé Mini Troupe Class. This class runs during SCA’s regular September-May Season. Students compete at Imagine Dance Challenge in February alongside the SCA Company Dancers. Relevé Mini Troupe students may compete a solo at Imagine Dance Challenge with approval from the Academy Director.