Resurgence – Showcase 2021

Resurgence is defined as “a rising again into life, activity, or prominence”.  What better way to describe our Showcase for this year.  I have been constantly amazed at the resiliency of these children throughout everything, and the joy we have had teaching them this year is like no other.

For many of them, this will either be their first time on stage or their first time on stage in well over a year.  It is our goal at SCA to make this a wonderful memory for each of them, however different it may look from Showcases past.

All shows and rehearsals are at the Stoughton Opera House.
Friday Evening June 4th – 7:00pm – Dress rehearsal is Tuesday June 1st starting at 5pm
Saturday Matinee June 5th – 1:00pm – Dress rehearsal is Wednesday June 2nd starting at 5pm
Saturday Evening June 5th – 7:00pm – Dress rehearsal is Sunday May 23rd starting at 4pm

A few important items to note:

  • A lot of pertinent information is below.  Please take the time to read fully so that you’re well informed!
  • We are the very first event at the Stoughton Opera House since it shut down last March.  As such, multiple precautions are being taken and many of the policies listed are requested by them.  Please adhere to these policies to honor the gorgeous historic facility and the hard working city employees that help keep that theater alive and vibrant.
  • Among those policies – EVERYONE who enters the Stoughton Opera House building will be required to wear a mask at all times.  In addition, they have set capacity guidelines for the auditorium and temperature checks will be taken of those entering the theater.  The capacity guidelines will restrict the number of tickets allowed per family, but a live stream of the event will be available for those not able to attend in person.

So many of us – your children included – are so very excited just for the opportunity to be onstage again.  After last year and a fully digital Showcase, let us be grateful for this chance and appreciative that the Stoughton Opera House is opening its doors for us…months before it will hold other in person events.

By Published On: May 19th, 2021Categories: dance, drama, musicComments Off on Resurgence – Showcase 2021Tags: , ,

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