Twas the Night Before Christmas
Twas the Night Before Christmas is a charming story inspired by the classic Clement C. Moore poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas”. Four days before Christmas, and writer Clement Moore must come up with a holiday feature story, but he has writer’s block. Besides that, he must work at home among his five children who are understandably very excited for St. Nicholas to arrive. Clement’s frustration mounts and the magic begins…bells, toys that come to life, and dancing Sugar Plum Fairies all conspire to help Clement as this classic poem comes to life. With traditional Holiday carols, exquisite new music, and a visit from St. Nick himself this fresh telling of the most popular Christmas poem ever written will delight audiences of all ages.
Performances: Friday December 6th (7:30pm evening show), Saturday December 7th (1:30pm matinee show)
Tech/Dress Rehearsal week: Sunday December 1st through Wednesday December 4th
Sunday December 1st: Load in begins at SCA at 10am. Rehearsal at SHS Auditorium from 2-4:30pm, one hour dinner break, resume 5:30-7:30pm
Monday December 2nd: Rehearsal at SHS Auditorium, 5:30pm (Tech Rehearsal)
Tuesday December 3rd: Rehearsal at SHS Auditorium, 5:30pm (Dress Rehearsal, costumes only)
Wednesday December 4th: Rehearsal at SHS Auditorium, 5:30pm or makeup call time, whichever is earlier (Full Dress Rehearsal, costumes – makeup – hair)
Volunteer Assignment Description Info
Tights, Shoes, Hair by Last Name
Makeup Call Times by Last Name
Rehearsals will run Saturdays from September 7th through November 16th.
Rehearsals in November will be all cast full show run through.
Saturday November 2nd, 8:30am-12:30pm: Act One – Moore Family, All Fairies, Carolers (we may ask Elves to come for a bit)
Saturday November 9th, 8:30-12:30pm: Act Two – Entire Cast
Saturday November 16th, 8:30-12:30pm: Full Run Through – entire show
**There is a mandatory additional rehearsal on Monday November 25th at SCA from 5:30-8:30pm for the Entire Cast.