A Note from Miss Natalie

If I were to sum up competition weekends in one word, it would be inconvenient. Competitions
are emotionally charged weekends fueled by takeout, junk food, caffeine, and lack of sleep. And
that’s just for the faculty and families. The performers are on a pixie stick roller coaster through
a hairspray and static guard haze of optimism and disappointment. Yet, I’m confident that I’m
not speaking out of turn in saying that we wouldn’t change a single aspect of them.

We get to see the best in the people that show up for this wild ride, in spite of the
inconvenience. The performers and families that arrive well before their own dances and stay
long after they compete so they can support their team. Our students currently on medical leave
from competitions who put their own challenges aside to celebrate the team. The giving of time
without the need of something in return is one of the most meaningful actions there is in this
world. We see it given freely over competition weekends.

As you know, many of us at SCA are struggling through loss right now. We would give anything
for more time with those we’ve lost. Time no longer feels inconvenient. It is now the most
precious and scarce of resources. The amount of time being shared by everyone at SCA is
carrying additional value these days.

I want to provide a resonant note of gratitude for the time all of our SCA Faculty commits to our
efforts in arts education. This note of gratitude is for all of our SCA Faculty. A Dance
Competition may be the catalyst, but my appreciation is equitable across all of the departments.
You give your heart, share your knowledge, and spend your time with our students. THANK
YOU. You do it knowing that awards are not promised to us. Neither is recognition. Without the
promise of excellence and accolades, you continue to give. You walk with the students through
the process of learning that is equal parts physical and mental. You mitigate the challenges that
come from the learning and working through team dynamics. It is rarely easy or convenient, but
I see you recognizing how important it is. And that the time shared together is a gift.

Thank you to everyone that showed up, in any capacity, to make an impact on the SCA
Community. We are richer for what you brought in and it can never be undone.

By Published On: February 20th, 2023Categories: newsComments Off on A Note from Miss NatalieTags:

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