A Note from the Director
To Our SCA Families and Students:
We just finished the first dance competition weekend of the ’21-’22 season. I want to share some of my reflections on the weekend’s events.
There is a reason that we chose Imagine as the first competition of the season. Shaun Moe, National Director of Imagine Dance Challenge, sums it up every time he takes the stage before awards. He reminds us that our art is a subjective one. He states that there is joy in the performance regardless of the result. Imagine Dance Challenge, through the partnership with Breast Cancer Research Foundation, illustrates that our contributions to our community go beyond what we do on stage.
These values are closely aligned with the values that are foundational to everything we do at Stoughton Center for the Arts. We celebrated many wins on the stage of River Arts Center. It was exciting to applaud for a well-deserved recognition. There were other moments behind the scenes that I find equally important.
Behind the scenes, I watched students manage disappointment gracefully. I witnessed genuine celebration and appreciation for the work of other studios. I saw our students make the choice to respond to disrespect with grace. All of us learned how to deal with strong emotions through exhaustion and a heightened environment.
One of the most special moments of the weekend included watching the students recognize the roles they play in each others lives. Our younger students looking at the older students as role models. The older students realizing the responsibility of being a role model. The synergy between the roles requiring understanding, appreciation and a lot of care.
The study of art offers lessons beyond the stage. It is one of lifelong exploration. There is no finish line. No world records. It is a constant evolution that offers enrichment to so much of our lives.
Thank you to our Company Dancers, Families and Teachers for making the most of everything last weekend had to teach us.