Our PPL & Company consists of Musicians, Actors, Dancers, and ‘Triple Threats’ – students that excel at dance, music, and acting. PPL students train at a higher level, and Company students receive additional performance opportunities throughout the season. Our award winning company has some of the most talented performers in the area with members competing and performing locally, regionally, and nationally. Our Pre-Professional Program is by invitation only.


Some of the most asked questions regarding PPL & Company

PPL is short for Pre-Professional Level.  Our PPL program is open for students in our dance, music, or drama departments.

In our PPL program students study at a higher level of education, grouped with like-minded students who are talented, motivated, and focused.

PPL focuses on the training and education of the individual student.  Company is the performance (and in some departments, competitive) piece of a student’s education.

Our PPL students study on a different level than our Relevé program and are offered more performance opportunities during our Showcases at the end of the season.  Our Company is offered various performance and competitive opportunities throughout the season.

Technically a ‘triple threat’ is a performing artist that is involved with and excels at dance, music, and drama. For our PPL and Company programs, our Triple Threats have slightly different expectations than single department members of the programs.
Although Triple Threat students are not required to take classes in all three departments (though many do), they commit to taking classes and performing/competing in two of the three departments.

Students in our PPL program are not required to be on Company.

Since our PPL program is the educational piece of our elevated program, anyone who auditions for and makes our Company must commit to our PPL program.

For our PPL program, students are recommended by our SCA faculty and invitations are sent via email in the spring.  If the invitation is accepted, the student will have the option to try PPL classes during May Spectacular.
If they wish to continue, they continue a trial period during the summer taking PPL classes at their level, and then offered a contract at the end of the summer for the following season.
PPL dancers must have taken at least one season of ballet to be considered for PPL.

For Company, students must audition.  Auditions are held in May for the following season.

The time commitment varies by type (dance, music, drama, triple threat) and level (mini, junior, teen, senior) of PPL member.
Most of PPL students are at the studio 2-3 nights for varying amounts of time.

Cost for PPL varies by department and level.  Please inquire with our office for specifics.

Each Company member pays monthly dues, which cover a variety of Company expenses including administrative costs, faculty salaries, music, scripts, royalties, and more.  Monthly dues vary with type and level of Company member.

We offer options for dance competition.  Please read more details about competition options here.

2024-25 PPL & COMPANY

Information on PPL & Company members, contracts, schedules, registration forms, and more

2024-25 Season Company & PPL Members

Addeline Anderson, Lola Anderson, Grace Bailey, Lily Blake, Bella Borquist, Emma Brown, Nora Deegan, Marissa Garfoot, Clara Harrington, Abbie Hopper, Brindisi Horswill, Talya Kulp, Hazel LaPoint, Ava Recupero, Lu Stensrud, Leila Uphoff, Natalie Wesolek, Alena Whitford, Aslynn Whitford

Olivia Boersma, Harper Lee, Freya Pfundheller, Ruby Redalen, Quincy Thompson (Triple Threat)

Hudson Bakken, Marissa Garfoot, Ameleia Heritsch, Scout Masters, Evelyn Olsen, Chloe Pallangyo, Kaileigh Stanton, Lu Stensrud (Triple Threat), Leila Uphoff (Triple Threat), Flynn Thompson, Rylee Varney, Alena Whitford (Triple Threat)

Lola Anderson (Triple Threat), Grace Bailey, Lily Blake, Betty Byfield, Nora Deegan, Josie Elmer, Clara Harrington, Beckett Horswill, Hazel LaPoint, Laynee Robertson, Rebecca Rozema, Aslynn Whitford (Triple Threat)

Addeline Anderson, Bella Borquist, Emma Brown, Rylee Campbell, Tobie Campbell, Miles Heritsch, Abbie Hopper, Brindisi Horswill (Triple Threat), Kloe Johnson, Talya Kulp, Ava Recupero, Quinn Rousseau, Brianna Stafeil, CatDi TruongThe (Triple Threat), Leah Walker, Josh Walker, Natalie Wesolek

2024-25 PPL & Company Registration

By registering your child for our PPL Program for the 2024-25 Season you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth in the documents provided.