From Now On…Dance Showcase 2019

It’s closing in on the end of the season and our Annual Showcase is right around the corner!  This post contains the information you’ll need to know to make this a smooth, enjoyable, wonderful time for your dancer and for you! […]

By |May 3rd, 2019|Categories: dance|Tags: , , |Comments Off on From Now On…Dance Showcase 2019

Flower Basket Fundraiser

It's Flower Basket Fundraiser time!  This is an extremely popular and profitable fundraiser.  Read below for details! Flower Basket Fundraiser Information Baskets are 12" and are available in Sun, Shade, and Geranium. Baskets are $28 each (much less than many greenhouses!) and students receive approximately $10 profit per basket sold! Print this PDF order form.  Checks should be made payable to Stoughton Arts Guild. Order forms and payment in full are due NO LATER THAN Thursday February 21st at 8pm.  NO EXCEPTIONS. Pickup of Flower Baskets will be the week prior to Mother's Day.  Exact day and time will be[...]

By |January 21st, 2019|Categories: fundraising|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Flower Basket Fundraiser

Second Semester Classes and Lessons!

Have a student that wishes to try music, dance, art, or drama?  Our second semester classes and lessons are perfect! Click on the image below to enlarge or REGISTER ONLINE TODAY!

By |December 13th, 2018|Categories: art, dance, drama, music|Tags: , |Comments Off on Second Semester Classes and Lessons!

Announcing our 2018-19 Company!

Congrats to all!  Below lists our 2018-19 Season Company, what type of member they are, and what dance competition pieces they're in if they are a Company Dancer. Charlette Albers - Elite Dancer Elsie Astle - Dancer Abigail Dalton - Elite Triple Threat Makenzie Devore - Dancer Gloria Eddy - Musician Abby Gibson - Musician Ingrid Gibson - Elite Dancer Annika Hauser - Elite Triple Threat Stephanie Kittleson - Musician Caitlin Kreger - Elite Dancer Felicia Lawrence - Musician Grace LeBeau - Elite Dancer Colin McClure - Actor Maggie McNulty - Musician Emily Midthun -[...]

By |May 23rd, 2018|Categories: dance, drama, music, news|Tags: , |Comments Off on Announcing our 2018-19 Company!
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