2020 Flower Basket Fundraiser
Flower Basket Fundraiser time! This is one of our most popular and profitable fundraisers of the season, and one of the final ones. See below for information, and join this fundraiser! The flower baskets pictured above and below are samples of past baskets...colors and contents may vary. Flower Basket Fundraiser 2020 Information: Flower Baskets are 12" and available in Sun, Shade, and Geranium. Baskets are $29 each (much less than many greenhouses!) and students receive approximately $10 profit per basket! Print this PDF order form. Checks should be made payable to Stoughton Arts Guild. Order forms and payment in full[...]
Joyful Traditions Cake Rolls Fundraiser 2019
A BRAND NEW fundraiser for our 2019-2020 Season! We are always in search of easy successful fundraisers that offer a great profit margin, so rather than sell pies for Thanksgiving this year we’re selling cake rolls! […]
Stone Creek Coffee Fundraiser 2019
Stone Creek Coffee is a local coffee roaster and we are very excited to partner with them again for our next fundraiser of the 2019-2020 Season! These could make great holiday gifts! Here are the details: Stone Creek Coffee Fundraiser Fundraiser starts October 15 2019 Orders with payment are due NO LATER THAN Thursday November 21st at 8pm in the SCA front office/boutique – NO EXCEPTIONS! Delivery the week of December 9th, exact details TBA Please make checks payable to Stoughton Arts Guild Profit earned: approximately $5 per bag of coffee, $3 for tea and hot chocolate Download the Coffee[...]
Madison Marathon Fundraiser 2019
One of our November fundraisers for the 2019-20 Season – the Madison Marathon! On November 10th, 2019 from approximately 6:15-8:15am you can work our water station at the Madison Marathon and receive financial assistance towards your student’s tuition, costume deposits and other charges to your SCA account. Students are welcome (with a parent) to help as well – the more family members you bring the more money you make! This fundraiser is limited to 20 people and will run on a first come, first serve basis. Please email Miss Natalie if you would like to participate!
Yankee Candle Fundraiser 2019
Another very successful Fall fundraiser is now available – Yankee Candles! […]
Butter Braid Fundraiser 2019
One of our most popular fundraisers of the season is here – Butter Braids! Help cover tuition costs and charges to your student’s SCA account by participating in this tasty fundraiser! ANY student of SCA is eligible and encouraged to participate. […]
Twas the Night Before Christmas
Twas the Night Before Christmas is a charming story inspired by the classic Clement C. Moore poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas". Four days before Christmas, and writer Clement Moore must come up with a holiday feature story, but he has writer's block. Besides that, he must work at home among his five children who are understandably very excited for St. Nicholas to arrive. Clement's frustration mounts and the magic begins...bells, toys that come to life, and dancing Sugar Plum Fairies all conspire to help Clement as this classic poem comes to life. With traditional Holiday carols, exquisite new[...]
2019 Holiday Show Auditions
That time of year already! Announcing our holiday show for December 2019…’Twas the Night Before Christmas! […]
Taste of Madison Fundraiser 2019
One of the first fundraisers for the 2019-20 Season – the Taste of Madison! […]
Announcing our 2019-2020 Company!
Congrats to all! Below lists our 2019-20 Season Company, what type of member they are, and what dance competition pieces they're in if they are a Company Dancer or Triple Threat - Dance Focused Member. Charlette Albers - Dancer Braelynn Bratz - Dancer Lillian Brimmer - Dancer Kylee Carmichael - Dancer Abigail Dalton - Triple Threat Annika Hauser - Honorary Company Ambassador Brindisi Horswill - Triple Threat Caitlin Kreger - Dancer Grace LeBeau - Honorary Company Ambassador Emily Midthun - Dancer Madelyn Moline - Dancer Madeline Olsen - Triple Threat Annika Schloesser -[...]