Fundraisers for the 2021-2022 Season

Below is a TENTATIVE list of fundraisers for the 2021-2022 Season.  Fundraisers may be added to this list, or those listed below may be shifted or removed. To stay up to date with our fundraisers, please check the Stoughton Arts Guild page on our website or follow our page on Facebook.   Butter Braid Fundraiser - September 2021 Cake Roll Fundraiser - October 2021 Kwik Trip Gift Card Fundraiser - November 2021 Wreath Fundraiser - November 2021 Flower Basket Fundraiser - February 2022 Flower Bulb Fundraiser - March 2022

By |August 4th, 2021|Categories: fundraising, news|Tags: , |Comments Off on Fundraisers for the 2021-2022 Season

Announcing 2021-2022 Company!

Congrats to all!  Our 2021-2022 Company Members are listed below, what type of member they are, and what pieces they're in if they are a Company Dancer.   Addeline Anderson - Dancer Kylie Beerup - Dancer Lily Beerup - Dancer Lily Blake - Actress Bella Borquist - Dancer Braelynn Bratz - Dancer Lillian Brimmer - Dancer Nora Deegan - Dancer Ellie Dennison - Dancer Becca Ehle - Dancer Peyton Gardner - Dancer Abbie Hopper - Dancer Brindisi Horswill - Triple Threat Talya Kulp - Dancer Grace LeBeau - Honorary Company Ambassador Madeline Olsen - Triple Threat[...]

By |June 10th, 2021|Categories: dance, drama, music|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Announcing 2021-2022 Company!
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